Life as we know it can be difficult at times.  Many people come in just to de-stress, calm the mind, loosen up knots and tension, and take a mental break from the world. You can come in just to feel better. It is a concept and idea that is not so prevalent in this culture. Sometimes one has to take care of oneself, especially if one is also taking care of others. If you look to many other countries, it is all part of their regular life routine. Not so much in this country.

 Many people come to me initially for pain, injuries, or other issues, and then will return for a Mind and Body Balance treatment just to feel better. Treatments such as these are relaxing, calming, preventive, and can catch certain issues such as stress, insomnia, and other issues before they become chronic. These treatments, as with all my treatments, will also include Acupressure and Bodywork. This will release knots and tension throughout your body, especially in your back and neck, that you may not have been aware that were accumulating. Chinese Acupuncture points, Motor Points,  and other systems I use can be maps of where tension accumulates.  I can find tension you have been carrying around that you did know you had, and that you have become one with. Many times, you do not know how much pain you are in or how much tension has accumulated until someone takes it away.

Reducing stress  and tension is one of the goals of a Mind and Body Balance treatment, as is calming the mind and relaxing the body. That and the simple effect of having you walk out feeling better than you walked in.