Facial Renewal and Rejuvenation is an aspect of Chinese Medicine that has been practiced successfully for thousands of years. It combines the best of Acupuncture, Acupressure, Facial Cupping, and Facial Gua Sha to help tone, tighten, and strengthen facial skin and muscles, while also moisturizing the Face and Neck. It also can eliminate fine lines and reduce large wrinkles. It is safe, non-toxic, effective, and also treats you the patient systematically as a whole with all the natural benefits of Acupuncture. Some of these benefits could be improved sleep, digestion, circulation, stress, headaches, pain, and loosening and removing knots and tension from your neck and jaw. There are also other possible issues that can be addressed along with the facial treatments.
It usually takes about 10-12 sessions to get the best results, and after that tune-ups every month or two depending on age, diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Generally, once a week works fine, while twice a week would be optimal. However, schedules and life these days may prevent the twice a week protocol. One of the reasons the process takes quite a few treatments to see results is that we are rebuilding the skin on a cellular lever. Facial Acupuncture also helps to produce collagen and elastin, for example, and it takes approximately 12 weeks for collagen to form. The thin painless needles also create micro-trauma in the skin, and this process helps repair and rejuvenate the skin. This does not happen overnight. However, some people start to see results before that, and some people can see a slight difference in their skin after one session. One of the simple ways it helps the face is simply by bringing fresh blood to the skin of the face. This is a perfect natural moisturizer, and can deliver a fresh radiance and glow to your skin.
Different people see different results, and lifestyle, age, and diet are a huge determinate on how the skin responds. So it hard to predict exactly how it will work for you. For example, smoking cigarettes and sugar are two of the worse things for your skin, and will absolutely lessen the effects of treatments. There are no guarantees with these treatments for results, but you should see improvement in your skin, and also improvement in your overall state of mind and body.
There are many benefits and possible positive changes for your face when having Facial Acupuncture sessions. Some of these are increased blood and lymph circulation, reducing edema and puffiness, reducing bags under the eyes, reducing sagging, elimination of fine lines, reducing deep wrinkles, treating sun damaged skin and scars, promoting collagen and elastin production, improving muscle tone of the facial muscles and thereby “tightening” the skin, moisturizing the skin, reducing overall stress levels, lessening neck, jaw, and upper back tension, reducing headaches, and treating TMJ. Facial Renewal and Rejuvenation can not only slow down the aging process of your skin, it can also reverse some of these processes.
One major incentive for choosing Oriental Medicine for your skin is you will NOT be injecting one of the most toxic substances known to man into your body. And make no mistake, Botox does go into your body, and Botox has consequences. It is a perfect example of how Western medicine chooses profit over the health of humans. They tell you that it goes into your skin and just stays there. That is cateogorically false. Botox has been found in the cerebral fluid of your brain, has been linked to droopy eyelids, pain, chronic pain, headaches, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, double vision, and breathing difficulties. It has also affects the sensory function of the brain because the Botox Toxin paralyzes the skin and the surrounding tissue, and this paralysis alters the way the brain functions and interprets that area and surrounding areas.
Yes Botox does smooth out your wrinkles quickly and effectively. There is no doubt about that. You will not get the quick effects with Oriental Medicine as you do with Botox. However, Botox accomplishes this with potentially devastating consequences. The idea that Botox is safe is ludicrous. In addition, this paralysis of the facial skin does wear off, and then you have to get another round of injections. There is not an end to these injections. One must be careful what is injected into one's body. Especially with multiple injections. And also with a substance that there has been no long term studies on the effects of injections. As with a lot of pharmaceutical products, it is all about profiting first, and then worrying about the consequences for the human later. There is plenty of research out there on the negative effects of Botox. It is worth investigation and researching before you start that process. Oriental Medicine offers you an alternative.
I originally got into Facial Renewal and Rejuvenation basically because I had promised some people that I would eventually start doing this. They had been asking me for years to start, and I finally did keep my promise. Since then I have seen the results, and also enjoyed not only improving the skin, but also improving some of the many other issues Oriental Medicine can address while we work on the skin. Even when I was studying the protocols and processes for Facial Renewal and Rejuvenation I was not sure it was for me, because it was quite different from what I had been doing. But what I did find out is that it is actually not that different from what I had been doing at all, and it works hand in hand with my other protocols. I am glad that I added this to my practice.
Facial Renewal and Rejuvenation is for Healthy people, and is contradicted for those with High Blood pressure, Diabetes, frequent Migraines, Vertigo, Serious Illness, or if you are Pregnant. If you are battling other health issues, it is better that you resolve those issues before you start this process.